
Exactly. It was Kavanaugh’s job to make the case for why he deserved to be confirmed, not the other way around (not to mention that most states specify that credible victim testimony can be enough for a jury to convict someone of sexual assault). Ford’s testimony was part of a totality of factors that should have been

I’m glad there are no whispers about a Hirono presidential run, because it seems to allow her freer rein to say what we are all thinking without giving a shit about the consequences. She’s beloved in Hawaii and can remain their senator as long as she wants and she knows it. I love that she isn’t afraid to pull any

Only Senator Hirono was working to correctly reframe the discussion to say that Kavanaugh must prove that he is innocent. That in this process he is the one with the burden of proof, not the accuser!

Senator Hirono is the hero we need. Thank You.

I really admire Senator Hirono. Keep up the good work!

The bigger question is what the hell was Ryan O’Neal thinking

Paper Moon is a fabulous film. Don’t deny yourself that pleasure. Also, Madeline Kahn is sensational in it (of course).

At that point in his career, Burton was doing anything and everything for a buck (shortly after this, he did the humiliating stage production of Private Lives in both NY and LA., opposite ex wife Elizabeth Taylor. They both made a fortune, but straight off of it, she ended up in Betty Ford and he ended up dead).

Ryan O'Neal is a piece of shit.

This long forgotten film should tell you a lot: at 16, she was cast as the [willing, of course] love interest to 60 year old Richard Burton - nude seen included (just her). Oh, the shit they put this girl through in her teens. And her father allowed it.

The “they” here seems to refer specifically to women. “I just think they’re losers,” McGowan says. “I don’t like them. How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women’s magazines and no women’s organizations have supported me?”

This isn't the world I was supposed to raise my daughter in at all.

This week has been a nightmare for our country. All I can say is register to vote, volunteer to help people register to vote, vote, volunteer to drive other voters on the day.

Also, can we use the title Accused Rapist Kavanaugh? He should never be called “Justice”.

Please quit calling Joe Manchin a Democrat.

Ever since McCain did that whole “you’ll have to wait and see” shit with ACA every bloody Senator seems to want a moment like this. Collins was clearly always going to go for the drunk assaulter as a real Nice GuyTM but she wanted her “moment for the books” on top.

I just feel fucking terrible generally.

Ford spoke out for nothing. That’s what she was worried about all along: That she would re-live her trauma and ruin her life for nothing.

If Maine doesn’t vote out this attention-seeking sack of shit, shaped like a woman, we should vote them out.