Rhiticko Serpico Colombo


It was the Catera, terrible car for reliability apparently, up until '01 when they fixed it and turned it into a GOOD car and then cancelled it.

Did you actually READ the article? It clearly states that AWD is available.

TEDucation has a nicer ring, imo.

Pretty much all of X-Wing, Tie-Fighter and XvT which all desperately need remakes. Also the Dark Forces and Jedi Academy games.

I love you.

If you actually look at the specs, Macs are WAY more over priced.

Please, never cite the Fermi Paradox in any serious article. It's lame.

Might pick this up since im a fan of the bulk, it just makes it feel more substantial. That's why I bought my Desire Z a while back.

They do that to everyone, Jalopnik is just up front about it.

You can build em for cheaper and with more power.

Maybe gravity has some sort of cumulative effect over distance with each star making it's contribution? Might explain why there is so little locally but so much at larger scales?

NASA: We need money

I seriously don't understand how people think a phone affects their 'image'...seems extremely lame to me.

If there is tons of dark matter would that not cause it to lens so much that it distorts what we (aren't) seeing?

Sum it up with 'Because aliens'

We are finally just now getting 'decent' snow falls in Ontario, Canada. Weird indeed.

Sorry, im not picking on you but whoever used that 747 analogy in a serious conversation doesn't know what they are talking about. Especially since that particular one applies (again falsely) to evolution, not creation (abiogenesis etc).

Im with DarkNemesis25 on this one. We make assumptions based off of observation and use that to create repeatable, verifiable tests that can be corroborated by others. If something can't be figured out we don't just throw our hands up in the air and say 'god did it', we would have never left the cave otherwise.
