Rhiticko Serpico Colombo

I loved it from the outset. One of the very few shows I actually bother to sit down and watch.

I'll take a hit of whatever Musk is using. He tends to overpromise and under deliver.

Is it sad that I am still in a rage over Syfy killing this show?

Didn't realize this was becoming a tabloid rag.

I hear you on the FF7, I have beaten many games since then, but that's the only one I really remember. Except Portal.

They didn't exactly address what Andy had to say now did they? They responded with vague statements.

Good, hopefully my apartment building stops smelling like that shit soon. Can't stand that stuff.

Wow, Andy was VERY light on sarcasm in this post compared to his previous ones.

I dunno, Motor Trend had a pretty good one. Not as good as this one mind you.

I am sorry, but child killers should just be shot. Or burned at the stake.

I just hope they don't stifle HTC too much. Love Sense.

If he shared his money period he'd be Bill Gates :P

Considering only 27 people died from fiery death, not the thousands that were claimed; it was even better.

I did one too at the end of Feb. I hit a guard rail though :p


My daughters friends have cell phones (she's 10). She asked me for one once, I told her that when she can get a job and pay for her own she can have one. I don't want the damn thing helping to cripple what little social skills kids have left these days.

I welcome our newly sentient overlords.

Elisabeth Shue is hot, and I still voted for Serenity. It was a good movie, I also loved BTTF, it was a hard choice...

@Seamripper: This country is pretty great, if the damn government would spend more time running the country than arguing with each other we might have taken over the world by now.

At least they have a sense of humor about it :p