Sounds like this planet...
Sounds like this planet...
@billykent1972001: SG:U was a HELL of a lot better than Voyager.
People will buy them anyway, then try to sell them for tons of money on Craigslist when the new phone comes out, because they are sheep and will take whatever Apple spoon feeds them.
@The5thElephant: And points awarded to you sir!
@davidfretwell: Keep yer grubby graphic ridden hands off me Dwarf!
Should be fairly quick with the turbo, just due to the size.
The front looks very...Aston-ish...
So, has the game gotten any better?
Glad that they are shedding light on this hot topic.
That was incredibly sad...
@Alexander Riccio: They can supposedly survive nukes, not too surprising.
What a load of crap...
@Scopi: That was amazing, heart click for you sir for making my day :)
@Kinowolf: I'd go but I don't have the gear :(
Usain Bolt is going to out live us all!
Boogles the mind how bat-shit insane people are.
Stupid thing is, the Camaro driver will get in trouble for that. Can't block people in, even if they take your paid parking spot.
@Se7en_speed: Was thinking the same thing.
@My X-type is too a real Jaguar: Loved that movie.
Thats insane, I am in a fairly successful raiding guild and if someone doesnt have vent, or their sound is screwed, they TYPE any relevent information.