NP for me, it is really hard to find a bone stock Integra.
NP for me, it is really hard to find a bone stock Integra.
'The line is: "Chevy Runs Deep." That's what she said.'
I am not trying to stereo type but I find a lot (NOT ALL) of iPad/iPhone, Mac users to be like this. Argumentative and a holier than thou attitude.
I can proudly say I only saw 1.5 of these movies. I watched all of Shoot 'em up, I thought it was goofy, and I turned off Doom.
Yes it can happen, duh.
Wow, if that happened at my wedding there'd be charges. And no payment.
Wonder what I would be, I love almost anything.
Took 'break it down' a little too literally.
"Is it green?"
I don't condone the attack in any way at all. But if people said some of the things they say to me in game IRL they'd get a face full.
Whaaat theee heeeell?
Well, hopefully someone buries the dealer.
Mildly interesting(not really?) ELECTRIC VEHICLE.
I wonder how many people this happened to and they just said 'Meh, screw it.' And walked out with that vote.
Vote for Pedro.
Saw this coming from a mile away. Get em hooked and deny em what they want until they get desperate to pay whatever you ask of them.
@themightyspitz: LIES!
@jmcm: lazy, insane, stupid, ridiculous, backward, dangerous...
@Kirkaiya: You are win, and deserve a job writing for these guys.
@urabus: And now for something completely different: A man with three buttox.