Rhiticko Serpico Colombo

Looks like they were about to go ziplining.

Awesome, grats on the COTD

Thanks for the map of map.

@Bumblebee: Not the show maybe, but the website/car-rag.

Figured something like this would happen. It makes sense that they would give it to Scion, Toyota needed it more though.

Should be good, too bad the music in his movies isn't whats on the show. Something about the DVD being distributed while the show is just on air or something.

@Buckus: No no, caps lock is cruise control for cool. Starting every word with a capital is for creditude.

I don't think he could directly mention Jalopnik. Kind of obvious though ;)

@lotussevin: Sarcasticating also would have sufficed.

He has a point, we should still give the car credit for what it is.

@cesariojpn: Same about not being ready, my schedule simply doesn't allow for ten stories worth of material a weekend. Also, I am Canadian and wasn't eligible for the contest, story of my life ;)

Not a fan of the 'newer' Celica's but that looks damn good! Hundred times better than the crap I have seen on the roads.

The drivers suck, not the brakes. The brakes in my Accent work quite well in 'panic' situations. Of course I am not a moron and I keep a safe distance based on speed.

Now I am craving McNuggets, tyvm.