The Puppy That Walked From Kentucky

Wonder what her closet looks like...

No it’s Eric Nadel, the best. Take that *sigh* back.

+1 on appeal.

Exactly this. This is just risk management — despite all this crap going on in his personal life he was still wasn’t considered a high risk draft pick until someone published that video. But once it it was published all of this became a very public matter and risk tolerances are very low when people have videos and

We do. It’s an ongoing process.

Uh, tagging on to an actual out of the grays thread, but:

An African Methodist preacher named Samuel Kobia seems to have been one of the first people to disseminate this phrase widely:

Yeah, shame on all of those rich awful silicon valley types that literally forced the people of san francisco to sell away their real estate at absurd prices. The monsters.

No... this is definitely a movie.

I was a pretty physical, occasionally dirty player in high school (late 90's). If I played now and every time I stepped out on court I ran the risk of being the butt of some mortal kombat joke by a fairly influential national sports website I probably would foul out in warmups.

Not to mention: pro-choice, pro-gun control and a belief that homosexuality is a persons right (seems quaint and weird to type that, now).

Perot never would have signed NAFTA and our workers and unions would be the better for it.

I definitely prefer UB40's red wine.

Is it so hard to link to the actual post?

You should read this:


Should have kept it to one joke, but +1 anyway.

“We’d love to show you how Holm did it; it’s just not worth all the bother, though.”