Rhetorical Impulse

I was thinking the other day that if this was a new show, Trevor’s own, that I would be super excited about it. But since it’s standing in comparison to Jon Stewart, it feels a little lacking. I think the big difference is that Stewart had so much credibility - he was so passionate, and his comedy reflected that. It

On the other, I’m all for decreasing the number of avenues in which college students may voice their moronic opinions.

Oh Lord, that sounds horrific. I loved the book though - stayed up all night to finish it.

I think it’d be cool if workplaces had several offices with closed doors that could be used at employees’ discretion - if an employee has to bring the kid in for a day, they could bring some toys or a DVD player for the kid and work there; if they need to hide out and focus completely because they have a deadline,

You get to a really good point here - the primary argument seems to be “but it’s a distraction! Even if only for a minute or two, it’s an interruption!”

I had a manager give me attitude because she volunteered me for a call with a client at 9:15am the following morning, over email at 8pm. I came in at 9:05 to her frantic and snippy because I hadn’t gotten there earlier for the call I didn’t know about and she hadn’t consulted me on.

Fine. Condemn those parents. Condemn away. Don’t make sweeping assumptions about the majority because of them.

Ironically workers are being expected more and more often to be available after hours, answering emails and calls, but God forbid they let their personal lives interfere with work.

Capitalist feminism. Where success for women means being CEO or otherwise making tons of money and becoming a SAHM or otherwise compromising your workload because you WANT to have more time with your family “sacrificing your career” and a feminist sin.

This is the culture that says my screaming child is more important than your watching a movie at 10pm in peace. My child throwing food at a $80 a plate restaurant is more important than the customers she’s disturbing. My child is so important that the mere act of having a child makes me a better and more complete

Yeah, but this baby doesn’t have colic and wasn’t screaming.

That’s the thing - it’s a conference, it isn’t a job interview or a strategy meeting. It’d be one thing if she was, say, working a booth at the conference and actually working while holding/wearing the kid but the only time she was working was when she was on the panel, and during that time she had childcare. She’s

Really? Every interaction everyone ever has “probably” includes screaming and crying? I spend a whole lot of time around kids (playdates, at children’s museums, helping out at my son’s daycare, etc.) and barring health issues, colic, etc, babies don’t just start screaming. They give plenty of warning before they

Why are you assuming it was more than fussing? And how is a baby making noise for a few seconds before the parent removes it from the room worse than, say, an adult sneezing or someone’s phone going off before they left the room to take the call (which would likely be considered mildly annoying but unlikely to inspire

It’s a conference about feminism/women’s empowerment, not a board meeting. I’d say semi-professional at best.

Why do you keep repeating this? She specifically says she had arranged for a student to watch the baby in her office while she taught, so that she could stop by and care for her when class isn’t in session.

Well sure but if she plans on stepping out when the baby gets fussy, I don’t see the problem. Both of my boys, as babies, would happily hang out in a carrier for a full day - maybe fussing when they needed a diaper change or got tired, but taking them aside for 10 minutes to change them and soothe then to sleep did

Here we go with the “screaming kid” strawman. No one is saying that kids should be allowed to scream with abandon in a professional environment. The author says repeatedly that she took her baby out of the conference when she started to fuss and would continue to do so, and that she wasn’t going to be teaching with

And how soon until a teacher who isn’t comfortable with a firearm chooses not to keep one in the classroom, or doesn’t act quickly enough to protect his/her students, and ends up facing a lawsuit, or at the very least facing a chorus of right wingers claiming it was his/her fault?

We got married in Asheville, where there’s a lady with a huge flower garden who will let you pick flowers from there, or you can just tell her your colors and how many buckets you want and she’ll pick them for you. She also does boutonierres and corsages. We got four buckets of flowers and a bunch of dollar store