what about the people who buy used cop cars at auctions?
what about the people who buy used cop cars at auctions?
i am also an average white woman, and i don’t feel like it’s at all personal to me when she’s criticized for her appearance.
i knew there was a word for nostalgia for a time or place you’ve never been! i learned it, but forgot it, but knew that i forgot it. i have a nostalgia for sweden in the 19th century. my great great grandparents left sweden in 1879, probably because they were poor, and in 1884, they committed suicide within three…
i dunno, i think in-laws might to come to a funeral for a number of reasons.
yeah. we actually had to fight a bit with an occupational therapist who was a bit of a jerk about it, but she wasnt really aware of how little his caloric intake was.
dude, just...don’t.
hm, opposite situation here.
he...just did it.
it’s rude to tell people you think they’re making stupid choices, especially when those choices don’t affect you.
my dude, i acknowledge that some science indicates that no amount of alcohol is healthy.
hey fellow white people who may be compelled to #notallwhitepeople, i direct you to the following passage from the Letter from Birmingham City Jail to help you understand:
hey, anyone with kids! are these appropriate for a 9 year old boy? my nephew needs a birthday present, and i was thinking about these.
i mean, one of the US designers is a plus size woman, so i don’t think she’s thinking that.
the rugby-style tackling that’s been around for decades? yeah, i learned to do that almost 20 years ago, and my rugby teammates and i loved laughing about much sillier and less effective football tackling was.
yeah, it’s always a good idea to reinforce to young men (all men, really), that they should have ownership over their own sexuality. that it’s okay to like doing some things and not like other things, to like being with some people and not being with some other people. men don’t have to love all sexual activities with…
white people: we’re racist and incompetent!
my sister was in town visiting last october, and she and i and my husband decided to have lunch downtown on a saturday, and then walk over the clemente bridge and do the riverwalk, and then come back. there was a pitt football game going on.
right you are.