
For the record, there is nothing wrong with either of these. If your first foray into comics is inspired because you enjoy the movies, great! If you want to do a ton of back-research by reading actual comics that inspired the movies before you go to see them, great! It means you’re at the local comic shop supporting

I wanna try! #honestsummertodolist:
1) Work full time hours all summer for the first time ever (like a real adult)

You make a good point. I guess if I’d been waiting for the family bathroom I’d be pissed that they were hogging it for non-bathroom reasons.

In Defense of Chill

There is a very of-the-moment essay over at Matter that’s incredibly persuasive and enjoyable, called “Against

To clarify a bit more it, the serial number is HU follow by the last 7 numbers under properties

I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was

Blatant, gratuitous arcs.

I was expecting a different Firefly diary when I clicked the article...

Little girl wandering alone with only a little light creature as her companion. Sounds familiar...

So I'm the woman in the OP. Today has been a weird day. My vagina became famous on the internet! Sharon Osborne talked about my vagina on national television!

This took me a while, so I hope I'm the first in...

But isn't that ironic? Don'tcha think?

I once had someone order the soup du jour. When I brought it, she said (in the bitchiest tone ever), "Excuse me, I've had soup du jour and this is NOT it!"