
One of the bills players clearly sniffed this out and would have just tackled the other guy for a safety, which is why Percy didn't throw it.

The high in Sunrise, FL today is 91°. Is it any wonder why nobody shows up to a hockey game?

I find it hard to believe that picture was taken after playing on real FieldTurf. Those injuries look like they're from playing on old-school cheap turf, not the new FieldTurf stuff. Then again, I can't say for sure. I'm just wondering if they make a distinction..?

No way they'd do a Tabernacle show, they sold out 3 centennial park shows in 5 mins each.


And that's why I didn't deal with it. Uber there, cab back after a 5 minute walk to get out of the clusterfuck, easy peasy and super quick.


Are you sure it wasn't this guy?

FWIW Lots of technical people call OSX OS"X" and not OS-10. I'm perfectly fine with anyone calling it OS"X", and even do so myself, despite working as a developer at one of the big internet companies. I know it's OS-10 but OSX just rolls of the tongue better. Who cares. The rest of it is pretty awful.

Absolutely. The beer is definitely old, just pointing out the inaccurate comment in the article.

I thought the date at the bottom was bottling date?

I believe in the UK it's "Where's Wally"

I've never been beaten with a switch but I have suffered similar injuries from tree branches on bare skin, and generally you don't bleed right away.

It has been huge for Fantasy Football. And it's a great show.

I'd be interested to hear isolated vocal tracks from other performers with great voices to hear how they sound

So I absolutely was on your side (note you're replying to my post agreeing with you), but now I'm not so sure. Someone posted this: http://sfbayview.com/2014/08/mike-b… and mentioned that the clerk/shopkeeper never even called the cops about the "robbery" (a customer did) and that the cops only got the video a few

How is there an entire Deadspin article and 43 comments about the Arizona Cardinals without the word "Buzzsaw" appearing on the page once?

Good point

So you believe that Officer Wilson's response to jaywalking or a kid with a smart mouth was appropriate then, being that he was unaware that he was a robbery suspect?