
Only problem is the arrest occurred before Trump was elected and Sessions was nominated for AG. So if by that what you mean is black people getting off the hook for a crime and racist cops getting fired, then yes, welcome to Sessions’ America. I don’t think that fits the narrative you want to push though, so you


Why can’t the former Beta Cuck in Chief fuck off and go away for good? He got us into this mess in the first place, can he and Hillary just stfu and be quiet already?

Condescending response to inoffensive post....check +1

RIP Mike Flanagan

You see, Muslims are peaceful after all! And they didn’t mutiliate every single of of the girls’ genitalia!

queue the SJW beta cuck outrage machine

Just watched the owner family get interviewed, they are clearly in the Mob

Not the tune I would think a sociopath would like, guess he’s a unique breed

You should just delete what you wrote, and rewrite it as “Racebaiting for stars, likes please”

Locker Room Calk

That’s honestly homophobic to have that in a locker room. Can you imagine how uncomfortable a potential gay teammate would feel if a bunch of straight teammates were just casually passing around a big black dildo as a joke. Ugh, I really hope there’s a safe space in that clubhouse.



You hear that? That’s the sound of America being made great again! #MAGA

+1 Straight White Male Mansplaining

This is fine

The Caps always seem to run into a “better team” in the playoffs that they happened to be better than during the regular season. Eventually you have to stop making excuses and go get the job done. Also, never in the last 10-15 years have the Caps had a “hot goalie” in the playoffs that’s won them a series. They do

you hear that? That’s the sound of the joke going right over your head

Any of you all heard of public diplomacy? How tyrants and narcissists respond to flattery? Clearly not. You all are not nearly as intelligent as you think you are. You are headed for another election night kind or misery moment where you realize there was a lot more going behind the scenes in this administration