Richard Grant

we would simply like human rights. but governments seem intent on taking those away. you see the issue here is that trans people refuse to be silent when it comes to the stripping away of our rights, liberties, and freedoms, and for some reason, that is upsetting to you.

this is an incredibly transphobic rant, and i hope you feel bad for typing all this out on al gore’s internet. 

point at the last op-ed or coverage we did for rowling. i’ll wait.

that’s exactly my point. you have the freedom to choose. i hope that we choose not to support rowling.

no journalist is completely unbiased. i do my best to be as unbiased as possible when writing news and investigations.

this is an op-ed. 

I think it’d be better if, on the first day of journalism school, they taught you the difference between news and opinion.

You do realize this site was founded by a transwoman and her wife, right buddy?

I currently live in the UK (and have for the past decade). This country went from being relatively tolerant of trans rights (treating it as a private issue where it was seldom news-worthy) to hostile (trying to close down the one gender clinic and frequently being in the news). And a lot of it had to do with Rowling

i am a real journalist: this is an op-ed.

“In the end, the saucers were defeated not by guns or bombs, but that most humble of God’s creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.”

The character being gay was foreshadowed in the first film, so it’s not a retcon. He’s a supporting character & his orientation isn’t highlighted in the marketing, so it’s not like this was a prime factor in SHAZAM 2's underwhelming box office.

I don’t believe you’re actually LOLing

It’s hard to read a lot of these comments mischaracterizing the Slap as “assault” or “decking,” insisting that it’s “against the law,” and not conclude that people just really wanted to see a black man get arrested. 

I’m not defending it at all, I already made that pretty clear. But I also think it’s a mistake to pretend that a single open handed slap is equivalent to something like a punch. One is meant to demean and embarrass, and the other is meant to cause actual damage.

Hot take: while it was rude, inappropriate and unprofessional of him, and I understand a temporary ban, it was still not even fucking close to as big of a deal as people made about it. The hyperbole is insane - everyone was acting like Smith beat Rock to a pulp.

I would just like to say I think the hate Crystal Skull gets is unwarranted. I’ve watched it a bunch on cable and stuff since it came out and I never find myself having a bad time, which is how I feel everytime I watch Temple of Doom. I get the criticism of specific scenes, but in many ways that film is not any less

Why would they make more movies in a series that already has too many bad movies? 

Bruckheimer should look at how poorly the last two Pirates films did.

PotC 4 focused almost exclusively on Depp, and PotC 5 wasn’t far behind.

Maybe the box office cancelled Depp, not anyone else.

Ironically Jack Reacher is the last Cruise film I feel I’ve seen where it felt like he was actually playing a character as opposed to playing Tom Cruise. It’s partially because his daredevil stunting and Mission Impossible stuff have become part of his brand (and overshadowed his earlier crazy couch-hopping