Richard Grant

This is a case where it’s important to look at things relatively-
Capaldi’s Seasons never had an AI score above 85. (And he only ever had 4 episodes hit 85.)
In Smith’s run he only ever had 6 episodes that went below 85 in AIs. (And only two episodes below 84.)
Tennant had 7 episodes below 85 in AIs...but none below 85

Agreed it’s got some of the aesthetic qualities of a spy film and a political thriller...but that’s all it is really, a bit of a surface layer that doesn’t really go any deeper.

Agreed. It really felt to me like the script needed another pass to iron out some of the concepts and connective tissues, alongside some dialogue punching up.
Like there’s so much in the movie that should make it work (the cast, the concept, the fights) but the script just felt like it was at that draft stage where

It is.

I think the issues seemed to come about after Carrie Fisher’s death. By the sounds of it, they went back to the drawing board on his script and couldn’t agree on a direction. Disney wanted to bring in Jack Thorne to help polish Trevorrow’s script/ fix the story, but Trevorrow wanted to keep working with his writing

Oh I agree 100%.

It’s also a song that no one remembers they did? Does anybody really point to I Wanna Be Your Man as one of the great iconic Rolling Stones songs?
It’s generally known that the Stones started out as a covers band, and gradually got into writing their own material, and it was only in the mid-60's and onwards that they

Eh, I’m not willing to give Feige a complete pass on this. He still managed to get Black Panther and Captain Marvel into development, filmed and released before Black Widow was officially announced.

One thing worth noting related to this is a couple of years ago the ‘Stucky’ (Steve/ Bucky) fandom got called out for shipping by gay men...because majority of the audience doing this shipping were straight women.

Thats an interesting take by your dad...cause honestly I feel Hendrix had more memorable songs that he wrote on the 3 albums he made in his lifetime, than Clapton has had in his 50 year career.

She’s said the beach setting will be part of a ‘cinematic universe’ and there will be more coming...so I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a darker spin on this setting in future videos.
(One big hint at that is right before the single take cuts, we see the camera pan passed some rubbish on the beach and Lorde quickly

From memory of the transcripts where Lucas, Spielberg and Kasdan break the script- Lucas was keen to have Marion be very young and make it not innocent...but Spielberg wasn’t. So that’s why the final film is a bit vague.
So I wouldn’t call it ‘canon’ one way or another as it does seem to be a point where Spielberg and

From what they’re saying the issue isn’t the setting as such, more how it was sold/ the technology. In the lead up to the film Tarantino made a huge deal about the fact that it was shot on 70mm film.
70mm is a filmstock that was used for big spectacle films and epics; the types where you would have huge one wide shots

Wasn’t talking about communism though, the comment I was responding to was specifically about socialism. (And the idea that socialism inherently leads to communism is not one that all socialists agree on.)

And one of your two major political parties has spent the last ten years trying to dismantle the ACA. And this was a the policy that was meant to be the compromise.
Seriously the fight that United States is having to have to try and get some form of Universal Healthcare isn’t the shining example of your democracy

...Yeah, I’m gonna have to disagree with you on that one. I don’t think you can look at the pushes to actually get billionaires taxed, mega-corporations broken up and a raise to minimum wage to try and make it liveable and say all these people want is ‘the current capitalistic system with no extra tax burdens, but

Remember how the CPAC this year had a golden statue of Trump that some of them prayed at?

Publicly funded social services are a part of socialism though. They’re a part of the core ideology being based, you know, around providing for the needs of the people rather than being based on making profits for a company.
And given the mess of inequality that is modern capitalism, I wouldn’t be too keen to point to

Speaking as a non-American, and the fight you’re still having to try and get universal health-care, I’d challenge the idea that you have a system in place that allows you to institute change and do better.

This. I found it weird after the Snyder Cut came out when there was this talk (by fans) about how it was ‘a completely different movie’...then when I watched it, it was basically the same movie, but longer.