Richard Grant

I’ve seen the Night Manager- and honestly couldn’t remember he was in it! (But all the focus in that pretty much goes to Hiddleston, Laurie and Colman.)

I’ve only really seen him in Game of Thrones, and as M’s assisstant back in Casino Royale...and while he is a solid actor in both of them, they don’t make me feel that this is particuarly exciting casting.

That was definetly the intention- but Steppenwolf is such a lowgrade villain that it was pretty much always going to feel underwhelming having him as the villian, and like they were saving the interesting villains for later.

Given they’ve currently got 11 different solo and team film franchises that make up the MCU, and they plan on introducing more and spinning off existing characters- 3 films a year isn’t that many....And that’s why they need to retire some characters (or put them on the backburner.)

Beyond was still made by his production company though- so his credit does make sense, as he was probably involved in hiring Justin Lin and hearing his pitch.

See I agree with parts of what you’re saying- but diagree with recasting the roles and just keeping the franchises going (at this point.)

We haven’t seen much of Falcon or Bucky, and I’d rather they keep those identities than take on Cap’s mantle...but when Evans leaves I’d still rather they retire the characer of

Plus the earlier ‘I always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey’...but as ridiculous/ cringey as the Christmas jokes were, I think this earlier exchange doesn’t get enough attention for how cringey it is:

More like 60 years? Bilbo was 50 during the Hobbit and 111 at the start of LOTR (plus LOTR had a 17 year gap that the films glossed over.)

Like I know fans are talking about a series set earlier in the timeline but a lot happens between LOTR and the Hobbit that could make for a good show. (The return of Sauron to

I’ve said it before, but one of the big issues with the show in retrospect was to do the three big Holmes stories as Season 2.

I think he could’ve been an interesting Banner- but still seeing as how Avengers was 2012, and Jessica Jones’ first season aried in 2015, by the time he’d taken the role of Kilgrave the ship had well and truely sailed on any shot he may have had at getting the role of Banner.

I don’t think he’d have got a better role in one of the films though- like compared to Kilgrave none of the MCU film villains have been that great, and he isn’t likely to be cast as a hero...so the best he could hope for would be a fun supporting role.

As a general rule I agree with creators personal lives being their own business...but once something is on the public record I can’t really ignore it and pretend I don’t know something.

He’s since confirmed that he has left the program, and while it is a shame to see him go I am looking forward to having someone new do the music.

Well part of it is diminished because these revelations to make me recontextualise some of the more cringey aspects of Buffy-

Because for some of us that used to be fans of his part of his appeal was that he was vocal about being a feminist and including feminist themes in his work?

I feel the most honest answer is that line was written by Joss Whedon, and as far we know he has no involvement in Infinity War (so the writers of IW and Kevin Feige may have chosen to drop that side of the character, while if Joss had been making IW he might’ve kept it in.)

Brosnan’s plays the antagonist in the Jackie Chan film ‘The Foreigner’ and I think a couple of other post-Bond roles have been villainous.

He introduced a theme for Rose- and honestly I get why he didn’t really introduce too many new themes in TLJ.

Now playing

Like I’ll acknowledge that there aren’t as many memorable or iconic themes in the Sequel Trilogy, but at the very least there is Rey’s Theme which is pretty much instantly iconic.

Good point there- like one thing people don’t talk about when faulting The Last Jedi is that its the first film in the main saga to be made without Ben Burtt doing sound work on it.