Richard Grant

At one point Neil Gaiman was writing the script for the pilot, but that was a couple of production teams ago and before Bryan Fuller got involved.
(I do remember an interview with Fuller where they asked if Gaiman was going to write for the show- and Fuller said he definetly wanted Neil to write an episode if he could

I seem to remember RTD having said that he was impressed with Raynor's script editing work and was looking to bring her in as a writer- so I wouldn't be surprised if she was originally going to be assigned the Doctor-lite episode of the series (cause a lower budget episode focussed on a smaller story sound like the

They could have tried not suing?
And it's a 'thing' because most comments and articles about the lawsuit frame the story as if the Gaye family were the ones that initiated the action, when they didn't.
If they had been the ones that initiated the lawsuit the narrative would be something like this
-Blurred Lines released-

Kinda- Fuller was working on American Gods before Star Trek was even announced, and the reason he stepped down as showrunner on Trek was because CBS didn't want to push back production on Trek any more than they already had to accomodate Fuller's other commitments.

Re- Helen Raynor's work on the Dalek two parter: from what Steven Moffat has said about the writing of Blink he was originally the writer assigned the Dalek two parter for that season, then had to pull out as he didn't have the time to do two scripts…and as he jokingly put it, as 'punishment' was give the Doctor-lite

If Lis Sladen hadn't passed away there was a plan to bring Ace back in The Sarah Jane Adventures to help resolve her story (with some sources online saying we would've got a cameo from the 7th Doctor as well.)

I seem to remember Moffat saying something about wanting Chibnall to be able to start with a clean slate, so even though nothing has been officially stated odds are she is only on a one season contract.
(Though I hope that if she does leave this season it is open ended enough that she can show up again in the new

See but most of the time in sampling the writers of the original song get compesated and possibly even a credit on the song that uses the sample.

The thing is Marvin Gaye's family weren't the ones that sued- Pharrell and Robin Thicke launched the lawsuit against the Gaye family for making an invalid copyright claim when Gaye's family spoke up about the similarities between the two songs.

According to wikipedia Sean Connery brought in Dick Clemet and Ian Le Franis to re-write his dialogue for the film, so it was possible they were the ones that came up with that line.

I think most people aren't really that aware he did it- plus I if the prequel trilogy had the same amount of love amongst SW fans as LOTR does amongst Middle-Earth fans, I think the outcry about Lucas' changes wouldn't be as huge.

Dalton had David Hedison and John Terry play Felix in his films? (Joe Don Baker played Brad Whitaker in Living Daylights)

Captain Marvel is 2019- no films have been officially announced for 2020 yet, but Marvel has confirmed that Guardians 3 and Doctor Strange 2 are in development so it would be surprising if those 2 are not on the slate for 2020.

Joe Don Baker was never Felix- I did enjoy him as both Jack Wade and Brad Whitaker though!

The reason I was bringing up the past statements is because while the situation with Perlmatter may have changed, we haven't seen anything to suggest that making a Black Widow film is priority for Feige.
Hs most recent statement about wanting to make one- post Ike- included him saying they're not even working on a

I actually like Jeffery Wright in the role- thats why I said most actors who played Felix- and think alongside David Hedison he's one of the only actors to play Leiter that gave the character some personality….and now that I've said that someoen who is a fan of Rik Van Nutter's approach to the role is going to come

I'd actually like to see them get Matthew McConaughey to play Felix Leiter- because he actually matches the lanky, straw-haired southerner description that was in Fleming's novels and would give the character alot more personality than most of the actors that played the role.

….Except he's been saying that they'd very much like to do one for seven years now, in 2010 after Iron Man 2 he said that they'd like to do one and that they're putting together concepts and talking to Scarlett about it but The Avengers comes first…after Winter Soldier he said again that they're interested in doing it

He was head-writer and co-producer during Torchwood's first two seasons- RTD is only listed as a writer on all the episodes of Torchwood because of the way Imdb lists creators as writers so they get credits for every episode.

Just to correct you he was stabbed by Wormtounge in the book, and then Wormtounge was shot by a random hobbit.
(And the falling from the tower onto a giant pike was abit over the top, I like how mundane the book death was.)