Richard Grant

But that's the problem, as far as we've seen DC seems to think taking risks with their projects is going for 'dark gritty realistic' style of the Nolan films- its pretty much the safest choice they could make (Nolan's films made billions of dollars, therefore every Superhero film that is like Nolan's films will make

Well aparently that was Alexis Denisof's call to make (and if there was any chance at a sixth season, Joss had no plans to get rid of him…especially given the direction the Wes/ Fred/ Illyria relationship seemed to be going.)
The idea of a comic continuation only seemed to come around much later.

The dragon is a metaphor for Angel's entire mission- the good knight who faces overwhelming odds and saves the kingdom by slaying the dragon…and it seemed very well set up that they were not going to survive the attack, and would only last another 5 minutes (even though the comics contradict this.)

I believe they may have actually shot in the same alley-way.

I agree he was a terrible archeologist (and I like the films little nods to this)- but I disagree that he was an awkward fit in the college, he may have been the type of teacher that wouldn't alays get assignments back on time and happy to disappear for a few weaks when possible….but he definetly seemed to love

…Indy was in his early 30's in Raiders and was already teaching at College's.
But to take it back further, going by River Pheonix and the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, the Academic side of the character was already a part of him even before he was a teacher…its just as much a defining part of his character as the

I think another problem with Indy in this regard is that you need an actor who can also be a believable Academic, alongside being an Adventurer.
You can have the character being younger, cockier, abit less world weary…but he still needs to believably be in love with archaeology and history, someone whose adventure's

That must've been their retrospective reasoning after casting Benedict Cumberbatch, because initially they were in talks with Benecio Del Toro (which was one of the big reasons fans speculated that the villain of the film was Khan.)

...err no it isn't, the whole part about Legolas and Tauriel going to Mount Gundabad is made up, everything with Alfrid is made up, everything with Azog is made up...Most of the details of the battle are made up, all of the details of Dol Goldur are made up (The closest to a detail from Tolkien's other works is that

There was a brief shot of Vision in one of their behind the scenes previews on set, that suggested that he is going to primarily practical.

But given that the character was designed for Phil Hartman (obvious from the physical similarities in design to both Troy McClure and Hartman himself) I think it would have been impossible for him not to have been influenced by Hartman in approaching in the role…and I seem to remember interviews were Billy West has

They keep at ambigous if he really was his brother (but enough information to make it potentially true.)

Actually the Wasp being in Avengers 1 was something that got abit mixed up in the telling, she was intended to be in the first film alongside Black Widow (as a team of seven), and in Whedon's original draft apparently served as something of a viewpoint character.
When some early storyboards of the final fight leaked,

I think around the time season 8 comics started coming out he actually said that he probably identifies more with Buffy than Xander (although given a huge chunk of the fandom actively dislikes Buffy thats not exactly an improvement) and briefly mentioned something about how the initial identification with Xander was a

…with Ultron taking the place of El Diablo Robotico?

…Actually at the time the film was being made most thought the chances of a sequel were reasonably positive (part of the reason Wash was actually killed was because Alan Tudyk couldn't sign a three film contract, and Universal didn't want this getting in the way of a potential sequel.)
The film's had a series of