
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

The Venn on these two demos is strong.

Also makes the next generation of Amway sellers!

Always remember: Bad schools make future Republicans! If don’t bother to teach kids how to think, they won’t bother to learn. This locks in your base for the next generation.

No, what actually happened is he walked over to her, called her friend a gay slur, she shoved him (wrong) and feebly slapped at him (also wrong) and he caved her fucking skull in (exponentially more wrong) before walking away without checking to see if she was concussed or dead. But hey, that 6'1" 220 D-1 running back

Nope, this is another false argument. No one is saying she can hit him as much as she wants, she slaps him and pushes him but she never hits him with near the force or violence he hits her with. He had options, like grabbing her hands, pushing her away with an open palm or swiping her arm away and turning and escaping

The table is an inanimate object that didn’t maliciously unload and hit her like a piece of shit.

If your same sized aunt had balls she’d be your same sized uncle. See, the key thing is that it wasn’t a man.

Choking is the mechanical obstruction of the flow of air from the environment into the lungs. Choking prevents breathing, and can be partial or complete, with partial choking allowing some, although inadequate, flow of air into the lungs. Prolonged or complete choking results in asphyxia which leads to anoxia and is

On the other, young black men get murdered for doing less than she did to him.

I fuond the entier vidoe completeley distrubing.

Then mixon should have called the police.

I’m not sure waht are you angyr about?

Everyone of you idiots saying “She started it!” sound like a bunch of fucking gradeschoolers on the playground. Grow the fuck up.

This isn’t so bad by Oklahoma standards.

If the NFL is serious about cracking down on domestic violence then they blacklist this guy and don’t even let him register for the draft.

God damn it. The intern had one fucking job.

Goddamn, we should have nuked the Phillipines after that guy said mean things about our president.

She is a special kind of stupid for pushing and slapping a 6'1 230lb person. Also, fuck you, Joe Mixon.

How the school and coaches could watch this and be like “yeah, we will let him keep playing here” is beyond... oh wait no never mind, I just remembered futbawl is way more important than uhh, what is it, ohh yeah being a decent human being and doing the right thing.
“but, but but, they suspended him for a year and she