Union of Smog Techs of CA

At least you don't have to change the spark plugs after warming it up, although I would happily pay to do this every day multiple times for the rest of my life .

You dont need an overcomplicated suspension when the engine is in a sensible location in the first place.

Dont forget the whole reinventing of the one thing that was working and not killing people. Fucking KEYS and IGNITION. I had a customer get in her Volvo, drive home and then call and accuse us of losing her key fob. Which was under her seat, as the car knew the whole time.

You don't seem to mention standing for 2 hours picking up other peoples cone kills and trying not to get sunburnt...

That small sliver could also be used to represent the amount of vehicles throughout history driven for more than five minutes with correct tire pressures. People either have the tires set to the max inflation or have used an eight sided die to set each to anywhere from 80 to 0. And still manage to stay off the curbs

"I'm buying hookers and beer for all of you so will forget this ever happened, and there's a raffle to find my M4 a real home."

It doesnt matter, he's trying to excuse himself regardless, if someone had been hurt or injured his bullshit about pressures and what not would not keep him out of jail. When you fuck up, say sorry and swear you won't do it again, then go hide till everyone forgets.

If we dont shame people that misbehave in public* like this then the rest of us wont remember to be cautious when driving. Its how you get people to do the right thing without beating them and yelling at them.

There is no excuse for jumping over a curb in the dry with no other vehicles involved, the police and insurance will surely agree. Unsafe acceleration for conditions. He has also stated he had the traction systems disabled, I will be the first to admit I turn that crap off only because I too will occasionally act like

Now playing

Nissan has always been too busy having fun with their Patrols too remember to take the GTR offroad much.

It's ok, hermits are people too. Thank the God of Hermits for weed, internet and video games though. Caves must have been real shitty for our ancestor hermits.

Control Panel-Tutorial Mode-OFF

For those who know how to check the oil level!

Clearly if you want something done in this country you need to gather with like minded folks in the streets cause some trouble and get the medias attention.

Yeah but they used this to take the video so its ok.

Life is strange and disconcerting, people need distractions to avoid thinking about this, spending too much money on things makes some people happy. Some people are happy making pointless arguments on the internet. When you were young did you tell everyone not to waste their money on the Hot Wheels 911 and get the

Buying either one means you are not using your brain. Sports cars are as pointless as sex that doesn't result in reproduction, meaningless fun that requires increasing levels of monetary expenditures as the level of attractiveness in the sex object rises. In short, everyone wants to bang Carrera, she has a nicer ass

Cars are like women, no matter what they look like, if you spend enough time with them you will want to sleep with them, enough if they annoy the hell out of you and look weird.