
..with working brakes.

This hypermiling shit has gotten out of hand.

Yup, I’ve seen a few flesh colored here in St. Louis County where I now live.

Yes, nothing is as persuasive to a town council as thousands of hate mails from out-of-towners.

Supposedly this was caused by a neighbor’s complaint.

I can stand Torchinsky’s take on these (along with his idiotic car suggestions)...if you want to do this kind of crap then live out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. If you want to live next to people, be respectful.

Marv singed an NDA with Mr Birnbaum. It hadn’t expired yet.

The Boca Breeze!

Tell them the fire extinguishers are actually a NOS system.

Don’t you get volume controls on the wheel? 

Post-Harvey, I had to visit a Geico total loss center in an AutoNation Chrysler/Dodge/Ram. A salesman briefly spoke to me and gave me his card, telling me that he could could get me any brand of used car, so at the very least he was well aware of how undesirable his normal products were.

If you’ve gone to eight or so different dealerships and haven’t found one person that you could deal with, maybe, just maybe, the problem isn’t with the dealerships.

I thought “tacho” was how posh Brits pronounced the Mexican food item.

Corvette Grand Sport, warranty, reliability, faster, canyon carver, and overall much better car. Butt if it’s being different for the sake of being different you’re after, then I guess it’s ok.

These are interference engines and a broken belt can mean fifteen to twenty grand in repairs

As well as the DeTomaso Pantera

Needs more velour, wood grain, and a column mounted gear selector.

+1 for wicked

This needs more stars.

I’ll let my car idle in the driveway for a solid hour so I’m nice and cozy for my 3 BLOCK DRIVE (that’s right 3 blocks, I’m not walking) to work. I don’t give a fuck! Fight me people!