
It’s not really car-related, and according to some of my friends, it’s not even that terrible an idea, but it’s pretty absurd, so I’m going to share it here.

That I don’t know. My in-laws did last year’s in the ‘30 Model A I mentioned. They drove from Colorado all the way to St Louis, did the race from St Louis along Route 66 all the way to California, drove from California to their winter home in Arizona, and drove back to Colorado. They never had a single problem with

Yep, that should do it!

I think I got tetanus just reading this. Good god man! This is a project car in the same way a pile of bones in a coffin is a patient.

Picking the right car to start with is part of the program.

Yea, it certainly is. My problem with anything pre-fuel injection is that the amount of time spent working on it isn’t proportional to the fun I have using it. I think the sweet spot are mid 90's performance cars, they’re not expensive yet but extremely upgradable and relatively reliable. You can tell too, the prices

Mine was worse :)

Area man discovers barn find ended up in said barn for reasons.

Pushing rope is always a bad time.

The only way to win is to not play the game...

The Fairlady was first introduced in 1959. I think we can all agree if it was a knockoff it was a better car than the triumph. Sincerely a die-hard Datsun fan.

Piedmont? Boy, you just dated yourself.

“More successful” is relative. Ford only made 259 million in profits in Europe last year. Sounds big, but compare it to GMs 12 billion in global profits or Fords 9 billion globally. Europe is a small market for the Big Two.

And they were offered in Caddlac Simmerons, I believe.

Ah, Craigslist, home of the Camero.

Many times, they have new Cadillac converters as well.

So, you are in fact saying that on CL, them’s the breaks? :D

What are you talking about? Craigslist is full of cars with V4s. Do some research dude.

Bingo. Suffer some happiness. It’s ok to like nice things. Even if they are expensive. There is often a lot of effort given to pretending to not like something because it may be financially out of reach. It’s ok to wear proper clothes to an event and it’s ok to enjoy an expensive car because it performs well. No

That’s known as the cocaine filter. Really gives you the full Lambo party experience.