
Hmmm.. I’m torn. I think it’s awesome that you went and wheeled Moab. However, as someone who started with crapboxes and eventually built my own multi-thousands Jeep substitute - I think, perhaps, you’ve missed the point. You are correct in that it’s not a competition, and you are totally correct (and commended) for

And how many billions have been blown on the affordable care act?

Not defending BvS here but this line by Mike:

Having recently built my own house, my one regret is that it’s not all garage.

Because “living close to culture” (i.e. being surrounded by people who will break your windows and steal your stuff without hesitation) is seen as a feature to some people.

I can’t help but notice that it should be “in the same vein” but “in the same vain” is technically correct in this context. Huh.

Have you ever considered picking one project vehicle you can afford to do right instead of five that you can’t?

Whoa, that’s a real slow leak. This Jeep is nicer than I thought.


You have three hours to find a Trans Am.

Thank you! Good shot, Audrey.

What about this one, using a 1981 Ford LTD Country Squire?

it’s screen rant, they’ll mostly be wrong. Don’t bother

“So... who’s Jason and why did you keep shouting his name when we were making love?”

I think we can agree to disagree. The Russian culture is more aligned to us then China, India, Japan, or just about any Asian country.

Whats sad is that throughout history we (The U.S.) have had more in common with the Russians then ever really against them. Generally speaking on the major parts of history, our goals have aligned and not been divergent. I see that in the future as well, one would hope that our leaders would realize that at some

Heck yeah, Rein’s Deli. If you’re near Worcester, MA, check out Steve’s Pizzaria. My cousin grew up in Worcester and always took us there, great hoagies and pizza. It’s a road trip staple for us when we’re in that area!

Of course it’s terrible; Spike Lee is a Racist hack who only caters to one audience. Did anyone expect anything less (more)?

Russia is entirely too aggressive. They have military bases all over the globe. They have a dozen aircraft carriers (force projection) circling the globe. They spend more on their military then the top 5 countries combined. In the Middle East, they have invaded Iraq and left the country in ruins twice, destabilized

To get along better with Russia we would need to really recalibrate our foreign policy. I swear I am no Putinbot, I am a red meat eatin’ Murican who served in the military and values American military strength.