
And for desktop Chrome users... I've found iReader to be super useful. It doesn't have any of that fancy bookmarking features though. On mobile, I've been using Reeder (fantastic RSS app for $5) on iOS and it has a similar feature (that couch icon at the top).

(quadruple post)

(Quadruple post)

(quadruple post)

Unfortunately, designers that operate within realistic bounds tend to not make the headlines in these kinds of media outlets. Instead we get... this.

This is why all those people coming up with the next console/iGadget/phone renders are only designers.

The main point from the first post was an issue of reinforcing absurdity with further absurdity. This has gone on long enough though... no more nitpicky response from me and you can hyperbolize all you want.

*shrugs* That wasn't the point, but feel free to continue over-generalizing.

You mean the host of people saying that they own only one or the other console? Or arguing against both copies because most content is identical? Granted, this is only one forum so it isn't representative of the competitive community as a whole, but why would that matter? Oh wait... whoosh.

If waiting for this is frustrating, I wonder what waiting for FFXV/FF Versus is. :D

The amount of opinions as fact here is absurd.

Yeah... those are noticeably worse. If you looked at ones with the native resolution though, the resulting graphics should be on par.

Blown up? Where did you see those?

I recently finished reading the Divergent series and hopped on to Amazon to check out the reviews for the final book and it's not much different than what the anonymous developer was talking about - and it gets worse once you stray away from highly moderated forums like Amazon's. Just as you said, it definitely isn't

(also directed towards OP)

Simply FUD. It's as if people were expecting Sony to overlay the controller mapping over a phone's screen.

It's business as usual to require customers to purchase a new proprietary controller that no ones has in order to use this service? Oh wait...

Half-dozen calls at one hour each or in total? If the latter, then that's why you can make it through a day. The main usage difference I see that we have is that I average about 2-3 hours a day and 2 hours of reading through RSS feeds; I'm already down to 20-30% by 4 or 5PM.

Since maybe a few weeks ago, it's been having trouble recalling tabs I've closed. I haven't really been using it much recently.

I'm not sure if it's different depending on the machine you download them from, but I got this under a 2011 Macbook Air. Enjoy!