

Violence is never the answer...

Evil Space Death Goddess Cate Blanchett is hela fine.

At the least it’s a life sentence of taking expensive drugs and worrying each cold could become pneumonia.

She only seems like the smart one because her brothers are both Ruprecht.she’s pretty.

Blanchett’s an Australian.

Speaking of looking sexy, I was hoping she’d have checked herself out in the mirror while filming the new Thor and said “You know what? This goth thing is really working for me. I’m gonna stick with it!”


Boo better recordkeeping and tech savvy labs! Hooray bigger guns and hiring without vetting or proper training!

“A backlog at the Maryland State Police’s computer forensics lab kept authorities from discovering evidence of Bell’s assaults on his cell phone for several months” This is what happens when you oppose police reform.

And that’s totally your choice. But if I had the money for it I would absolutely bail a loved one out. Jail is a horrible place and it’s so much harder to adequately assist your council while behind bars. You also lose your job and more than likely your housing and car because you can’t pay for it.

Prince was one of those rare people for whom an unflattering photograph could seemingly not be taken. He looks great in just about every image I have ever seen.

Ok, fuck, I’m getting into advertising because apparently no one has to read your copy first. You just come up with something and everybody says, sure, why the fuck not? Send it out to the world. Here’s my first ad:

I wonder if his shithead sister will email me the address of his grave so I can take the world’s longest piss on it? 15 years for 3 hate crimes, 1 attempted murder and 1 actual murder is a travesty. What a joke of a legal system.

I’ve never understood it myself. Skin on fries are the fucking bomb and at Five Guys, you know by the 1000 bags of potatoes they have stacked up that you are getting some fresh-ass fries.

Yep, Mikadyn sounds like a pharmaceutical name reject.


Putting these kids away for an extended period isn’t helping anyone. The punishment should by no means be light but they are minors and they didn’t intend on killing someone. Feeding the prison industrial complex a few white scraps does not result in justice for the millions of PoC unnecessarily incarcerated.

They were apprehended alive. Do we really need pictures to confirm that they are white?
