
That was a gem of a snark, Tech-Ninja!

I live how you took the time to correct someone on the internet, albeit incorrectly, without taking the time to check first to verify that your correction was actually correct. Platinum!

Said it before, n I'll say it again...

Yeah, I totally agree...

They decided to throw the conspiracy theorists a bone.

Please enter some text.

Wow, I would have thought "I couldn't do that even if I was sober" would have been somewhere in that list.

Man! So close! Yet gotta go CP. :(


That custom car (not pictured*), complete with 'powder mirror' on the glove box door, that Rod Stewart owned back in the day.

Yeah, right turns in NASCAR can be a bitch.

Ahh, you got it in before me, but awesome nontheless!

Happy Birthday, GIF!!!

Waiting for the day they could use it as a subtle political statement.

This was the first president's head that came to mind for me.

My first, and only unintended acceleration incident occurred back in the 80's when I was just 16 years old. My 280 ZX was in the shop so I was driving my mom's '84 300ZX (which was an automatic, but it was mom's so we'll forgive the slushbox.) I was driving through our neighborhood having just picked up my friend to

You beat me to it! LOL

Welcome to Puerto Rico - the Shining Star of the Caribbean

Call me crazy, but I'm glad to see that the Geo Metro Convertible in the lead-in photo was not part of this list.
