Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot easier just to ask the aliens on the far side what they built their lunar bases out of?
Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot easier just to ask the aliens on the far side what they built their lunar bases out of?
Remember, the tape is outside and facing away from the car. The car is reflecting the inside of the tape, which is a reverse image from the outside, so when reflected, it would appear as normal.
I wondered the same thing. LOL
Here in PR, it's always pay before you pump.
Thank you for the compliment. :) That was just one of the first things I noticed. LOL
Well, that just got a little nicer. I stand corrected.
Probably still just a quartz
... a picture's worth a thousand words, right? I needn't say any more.
I guess the price of gas vs. the value of money explains why there's a better camera here than at the bank. [jalopnik.com]
Thanks for the LOL!
Geez, I don't know. It's kinda tough to tell from those full color, crystal clear gas station security cameras - it might be a little easier if it had been taken with a blurry b&w ATM camera, but I'm pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.
With the space I made on the inside from ditching the jerry-can and spare from my jeep, I've made enough room for 4 extra cases of beer and 6 cartons of cigarettes.
OMG!!! This is sooo NP!!!
'Not. A. Lionel' [www.yousuckatcraigslist.com] hands down is one of the funniest things I've seen on the internet. I was crying and couldn't breathe from lauging so hard.
Ahh, yes...
Thank you both for saving me a few minutes of my life! Much appreciated. :)
Heart click!