
Geez, I don't know. It's kinda tough to tell from those full color, crystal clear gas station security cameras - it might be a little easier if it had been taken with a blurry b&w ATM camera, but I'm pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

With the space I made on the inside from ditching the jerry-can and spare from my jeep, I've made enough room for 4 extra cases of beer and 6 cartons of cigarettes.


OMG!!! This is sooo NP!!!

'Not. A. Lionel' [] hands down is one of the funniest things I've seen on the internet. I was crying and couldn't breathe from lauging so hard.



Ahh, yes...

Thank you both for saving me a few minutes of my life! Much appreciated. :)

Heart click!

Who is tpain?

Why don't we just wait for the moon to come to us?

Guess I'm gonna have to go with the flow on this one.

Gawd! That's a gorgeous photo!

Congratulations Ray,

We have a local saying here on the island that people use in their classifieds that describes this car perfectly:

That's the one! Thanks!

Yeah dude. Roach infested cars are actually a big problem here. Always figured it had something to do with the food consumed in cars. Especially since I have friends who eat in their cars and have roaches - so I just linked the two together.

Being less than 100% cooperative and polite with the officer tends to turn things that could potentially go in your favor, against you.

Not with the amount of roaches on this island. No way! Under no circumstances does food get consumed in my car - not by me, nor anyone else for that matter.