
When I'm president, I will pass a new law that states if you are 70 or older, you drive one of these. No exceptions!

People get so worked up over inanimate objects.

Shame to see such a beautiful car get trashed, not once, but twice in its lifetime. :(

I was prescribed Dexedrine and Adderall for 12 years for ADHD. After moving to PR and finding a new doctor to continue my meds, he worked very hard at convincing me that they were killing me and that I needed to get off of them - NOW!

Exactly... What could possibly go wrong?

My longest driven was also my first car.


*Jalopnik Intercom*

Here's your Alfa...

Unmolested AND a sunroof?!?

Wow! That's beautiful.

Here we leave the spiders because they protect us from these critters. Our centipedes can get up to a foot long, and they are not pleasant!

Wanna buy em?

Speaking of big spiders...

"What are you gonna do... charge me with smoking?"

I LOLed!

"Don't know the reason

Good call dude... Didn't even think about that!

Great looking ride! Little iffy on that electrical layout, but that could be cleaned up with some patience, flex-loom, and a Saturday afternoon. Maraschino Red paint looks awesome.
