
Wow! That's beautiful.

Here we leave the spiders because they protect us from these critters. Our centipedes can get up to a foot long, and they are not pleasant!

Wanna buy em?

Speaking of big spiders...

"What are you gonna do... charge me with smoking?"

I LOLed!

"Don't know the reason

Good call dude... Didn't even think about that!

Great looking ride! Little iffy on that electrical layout, but that could be cleaned up with some patience, flex-loom, and a Saturday afternoon. Maraschino Red paint looks awesome.


Betcha that's even more haunted than shake & bake Caddy.

OMG!! Is that Ricky Martin?!?

If Bugs was sawing off Italy, it would make more sense.

So why exactly do we blow so much sunshine up these exotics' asses when they are just unreliable, flammable deathtraps? Because they have big motors and go fast? Because they're uber expensive and a socially acceptable substitute for a little d!ck?

Nope, gas stations don't.


Yet another reason...

There's a Lifehacker post about a little DIY that you open up and desolder the old apple buds and solder on new ones of your choice using the original apple mic-ed cable. Works for cans too!

Five bucks and a trip to Radio Shack solved that problem for me by adding those little foam covers over the bud. It helps with fitment, but they still sound meh.

I see I'm not the only one to have just thought of this, but I can't let this pic go to waste.