
Desde La Isla Del Encanto, te invito a su trago, Sr.Diaz. El mejor ron que ofrecemos.

Speaking of stars, all I can say is - yeah, the view is breathtaking.

If I can plug in my 64 and play Mario Kart, we've got a deal! LOL

How many of you saw that lead image and instantly though of this instead?

I nominate myself for the worst commenter for the following reasons:

+ 1 internet for skinny jeans

I can't see shit...

Now playing

We have a little version of that here in Puerto Rico. This video here is the landing at Culebra, Puerto Rico, which is a little island off the east coast of the mainland.

Dammit Nibbles!!!

"I am NOT gay!"

"I am NOT a lesbian!"

Ever heard a grown man squeal?

With so much attention to detail maintaining this car, it's a wonder Grandpa had time to live up to his namesake!

Sooo Nice Price!!!

But I thought I was the offspring of this thing and a retarded fish-frog.

"But I'm a monkey... Give this monkey what she wants!"

The same sensory phenomenon applies to certain similes:

Thanks for the comment approval, I appreciate it.

Lambo Doors - available for all makes/models of cars these days.

No regrets.