
Does Detroit count?

I think there was a blurry '.' in there.

You mean that bed IS original?!?

OMG Look at that Lincoln!!! :drools:

Remember what Carfucious say, Danielsan...

Did somebody say Brazilian nuts?


Did anybody else figure that maybe Uranus' axis is actually correct, and the rest of the solar system got knocked on ITS side?

Fair enough... Looks like the rules are changing. LOL

Our local drag strip is actually quite safe, even considering most of models are stick-shift.

My bad, dude... I should've figured it out by the Lambo doors, duh!

"Imagine your grammar teacher. They must be devastated."


Meh... It's a pretty car, but not my flavor.

Took a second to sink in,

In a related story a little closer to home...

Yes, wireless electricity can kill people.

You forgot 'Red'

As a previous owner of a Z (actually few of them) I have to agree. ;)

This makes perfect sense... even without all the phenyls.