
Yeah, hadn't really noticed that when I first posted the pic.

Ohh, 'GAS GIANTS'...


No. No. No. No.

Thanks, I'll have to look around and see if it's available here.



Pitch vs. Field - Who knows?

A sizable enough one of these pointed in our direction and we've all gone off the grid whether we want to or not.


This is the sunscreen I use. Solbar AVO SPF32. I found it in a dermatologists office shortly after I moved here. It's a bit expensive, but its performance greatly outweighs the cost. I have yet to burn even if it's midday sun, it's very waterproof, and a single application is usually all that's required.

The correct answer is 27.


Interesting... I would have thought if that was really it's design purpose, it would be the XCC or X-Chromosome Coupe.

I now see as I'm reading the comments, that I'm not the only one who went this direction with their nomination. LOL

The worst concept car of all time was ANY concept car that was so incredibly cool and beautiful yet never produced, only mocking us of what we would never have, leaving us empty inside.

Aye Sea what you did there! LOL

Stop being p___ies, build your immune system! ;)