
So there's a part of our big bang that went off to make its own universe that is no longer a part of our own.

Friends, I hate to be the one that breaks this to you, but somebody has to tell you.

Nice Price, except for the price.

Dodge Charger... Yes


I nice priced it, but I'm starting to have second thoughts...

I shit you not.

Nibbles! Grrrrr

My once in a lifetime barn find has already come and gone.

Even better! LOL

I think you're right.

Am I the only one to notice that someone has written "WASTE" in the dust in the windshield?

Yeah, it's called the Thames.

Just when I thought the Veyron couldn't get any uglier. Wow!

Isn't there a way to just order this fender painted from the factory? This car can't possibly be that old that the paint has faded already. You know it's garaged - so it barely sees sunlight anyway.

You mean 'Because Rod Stewart'

For Sale:

OMG sign me up for that wagon in the foreground of that top pic and that bronze finned model to its right!

I'm soooo with you, dude!

I have no problem with this at all. I thought is was talking about an automatic wash. Regardless of which car I was driving, I would totally wash it myself.