
@budgiebottom: You know, I realize that to the best of our scientific knowledge, the 'growing earth theory' has been pretty much disproven, but I still swear it makes a lot of sense. Plus, it's just so beautifully simple.

@karamales: They're 'crawdads' where I'm originally from. LOL

@Whitetrashsteve: Wow, 3 million plus in a 60's-70's Volvo? I now officialy dub him "Man Most Individually Responsible For Global Warming"

There... Fixed it for ya! Looks way more delicious now!

If it doesn't come in red with detailed readout, I don't want it!

@ParryLost: I miss the Concorde. Those things used to fly over our house near Dulles twice a week. Loudest thing I've ever heard - like a mini earthquake... with windows rattling, vibrating the walls.

Now playing

Well, it's been almost 50 years an we're still waiting for these.

@Dr.ClaytonForrester: I appreciate everyone's input and discussion here. I see that we may have to agree to disagree, but that's cool.

@Just this guy, you know: I see what you're saying about the positives of the natural level of this hormone, but the point of the article is clearly showing that administering amounts of this hormone has potentially negative concequences.

@DocSeuss: I respect your difference of opinion, and furthermore, to answer your question: yeah, maybe I am a little crazy, but in a good way, I assure you.

@reydelaplaya: Ok so it's a hormone, and not technically a drug as of yet. I still rest my case.

I'm a Scorpio, always have been, always will be.

Please forgive me... usually I'm all for the open-ness and honesty of Science, but every once in a while, or even rarely, I think Science, when presented with a discovery such as this, should keep it's mouth shut and move on to something more productive and beneficial.

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I know what my neuron likes to do $$$!

So how many times do you think that original 1999 oil has been changed with only 3k miles on it?

Thank you Alasdair. That linked website is chock-full of fantastic background worthy spaceporn!

"She's my date! So the rest of you can just back off, and nobody gets hurt! Capiche?"