
isnt that a good thing that there isnt anything yet?

Finally we know who to blame.

It was competing against ratings juggernaut, The Walking Dead, this season which is why it suffered. To be honest, HBO probably shot their own show in the head by doing that. That it survived the axing is.... probably just due to a higher power watching over it.

Season 1 was still great! Each ep felt like a standalone as if it told stories about different people around town and there was no real main character.

Holy shit Tribunal was awesome. Easily one of the best examples of an expansion out there.

Great advice on the marriage thing. He will likely experience that same thing later if he gets married and then thinks about kids. Drives me nuts all the people who say, “I want to travel, I can’t let kids hold me back”. While I travel with my kid (now kids) every year, while my married friends who say they want to

I knew id eventually find whose fault it was

To be fair you really still shouldnt ignore things like Old World Blues, Dragonborn, Dead Money, and all the other huge content packs F05, New Vegas, & Skyrim had.

literally no one is blaming Lena Dunham, dude

Your answer isn’t blaming Lena Dunham for someone else’s technical mistake so expect to be flagged.

we’ll be getting content from that for the next year or so, remember that Fallout DLC is usually substantial story stuff, not poxy item addons.

Is that who I have to blow in thanks? I love pretzel M&Ms!


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