
I like your optimism! We need more of this.

Billy on the Street AKA yet another 1990s stolen Howard Stern bit that was worn out before Myspace went down

We all know the history ... we’re Kotakians

Exactly, VPs and Directors can have as many kids, houses, wives and vacations as they want.

I want to travel and see the world!

I still play MW:GOTY on my 360 every year or so, I did almost every quest in Tribunal, Bloodmoon was kinda cool but not the same type of gamechanger.

For this? No. But we gotta find someone to blame Trump on.

Own em all, but FONV wasn’t a Bethesda game.

Finished the game design doc

Have you played other Bethesda games before?

And Lena be like

Internet laweryin 101 bae, you make the claim, it’s on you.

Do you have any proof of said claim?

Yes, I expected wave 3 DLC 2 days before launch?

Pretzel M&Ms are your fault.

That’s almost as good as my $29.99 pre-ordered Console Season Pass which so far has provided me with...

He can never be Kevin. Try as he may...