
You might enjoy this type of deal

Not in the context of birds it’s not. Crows will spread pounds and pounds of garbage all over the street to dig into it and get that one cracker or chicken wing.

Dry weight. and fuck yes, 6 feedings a day is going to attract a ton of birds. You’re being intentionally contrarian. Anyone with eyes can look at a piece of bread on the sidewalk and see 30 pigeons fighting over it. Dry weight of a crust of bread, 1/8 ounce.

Rich people? FFS merely owning a home does not make one “RICH”.

You obviously don’t own a home or you would never write something so ludicrous and out of touch with facts.

Feeding wildlife is illegal at many local/state levels. However many times they don’t have specific laws for residential areas because only a giant selfish asshole would feed fucking birds at their house all day.

It’s completely immoral to feed wildlife. Not only that, it’s fucking obnoxious and harms the animals long term. Fuck this lady and her selfish actions.

and then have another million stories (say), ‘What happened to Rexxy? She looks so different.’

Depends on what the CBA has in it. Chances are most unions would sign off on the NDAs since they need to win so man other micro-battles. “Winning” the ability to not get fired for blatantly breaking an NDA is a net-loss for UNions in general.

Glad there is still hope for an end-game in FOS. Maybe we’ll get a limited “wasteland” type of experience? The most fun I have now is reading the text every now and then from an explorer.

Dear everyone who still has “feelings” for an Ex. So do the rest of us. Now /shhhhh about it, stop following the ex on facebook and NEVER TELL ANYONE that you still pine away for that ex from 15 years ago (even tho you would never do anything about it)

I put it down for a full week once. But I still play it every time I am on the throne. :( I used to read

That listening part, never gets easier folks.

Queue up the irate Bros who will claim that “Women need to do this too! And let me mansplain why...”


Yet they included nonsense like Legolas snowboarding on a shield and doing kill/coints / cheevos/trofees with the dorf guy.

So, Hobbits are coming to Game of Thrones confirmed! /runs away

Cancer cells are not individual organisms.

Looks cool but this “realistic medieval” thing is one of those deals that we think we want it...and then you see what true “realistic” combat was actuallly like and realize... hmm kinda prefer that sword with the magic life-tap and lightning.

Do you want to min/max or just organically see what happens?