
Wonder what the green cells mean. If only there were a way for me to find out!

Didn’t I see this guy getting dragged off a plane yesterday?

So you didn’t like when Trump was cozying up to Putin - now he’s distancing himself from Putin, probably permanently with this move, all while retaliating against an evil tyrant who committed mass genocide... and he’s somehow worse?

Great. Now I’m horny AND hungry.

Fuck these assholes for leaking this during the masters

You going to be ok?

Let’s put a calendar reminder for 3 years for now and see how this works out for these guys, hm?

OR... Maybe he’s just a bad quarterback?

Look closer. Dude has a magic band on... these pics are now ‘included’ with the Photo Pass.

Why don’t they at least swerve to avoid the OTHER BIRD?

Exactly. If this happened regularly, this wouldn’t be news.

Yes, it is nice to see these stories... that occur once per year, max.

Eh, that was personal. I sort of get it.

Christ, what a cynical and self-righteous way to go through life. I genuinely feel bad for you. You really think Snyder thought Favre gave a shit about him? Do any of us go nuts over a team because we think the players on the team give a shit about us? Of course not. We know the deal. We know it’s a one-way

I actually wonder if you are more right than you realize with this...

Indeed. You know why CEOs get paid so much? Because they are forced to literally see the future. If they guess right and set up the company to capitalize on future trends (or dictate the trends) they create wealth for everyone involved at a factor of hundreds to what they get paid - that includes workers as well as

Sharpton’s there because the media is there

Exactly. 70% of Americans have never flown. Most of the remaining 30% can afford an $11 sandwich. And for those that can’t, suck it up and bring your own damn food. This is fucking America. Jesus.

Nice cherry-picked data point from May 2014 right before airfares fell by 15%, on average, in some cases much more, due to free market competition driven by cheaper jet fuel prices.

Amazing highlights, thank you.