
What if she’d said she had a gun? Or a knife?

Yes. You seemed incredulous with that person’s desire to learn a few facts before passing judgment. Am I wrong?

What are you so surprised about? That there are things that happened that night of which you might not be aware based on that video?

Come on... this can’t be true. Right? This is like something out of a movie.

Yeah nice. You nailed it. I’m a bigot.

Because this site has morphed from a once amusing sports blog to a place where liberal idealism and political correctness come to thrive.

He’s also a fucking commie

This website is sounding increasingly and increasingly like a sore loser.

You guys are so fucking sensitive and soft.

This guy is the best jewish basketball player EVER, amirite?

Not odd. Common. You see Andy samberg’s pre SNL stuff?

I pity you.

Obviously you don’t have girls

Also never seeen a single boston chick that looks like the chicks in this preview

No problem. You can keep all your fucks. You lost.

Good lord. All of you people just get over it and move on.

He was in the Clinton war room. Busy night for him tonight.


This is the ONLY time I will accept a soccer person falling to the ground as being legitimately reasonable.

Good lord that quick double touch she had when she scorched #8 was amazing. And the best part about this clip... no flop at the end. She got her ass up and finished what she started, the hard way.