What we all wish would have happened instead...
What we all wish would have happened instead...
Islam considers Jesus to be a great prophet (although not the Son of God), although not as great as Muhammed. So most Muslims would be familiar with him.
My dad had an ‘85, with the five-speed manual. Man that car handled well, felt solid, and was pretty quick off the line. Definitely underrated.
The code doesn’t seem to work. The prices are already 65% off, but only for a few items.
The code doesn’t seem to work. The prices are already 65% off, but only for a few items.
“Gun Contol OR Butter”
Heck, just cut them off.
He and Kubrick clashed on the set. Very painful memory.
Yep. Just like those fine Republicans Ronald Reagan... https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/25/opinion/25herbert.html
In Soviet Russia, bridges cross you.
Answer: I get hit by your car with crappy headlights because you didn’t see me. Higher insurance premiums won’t help me.
When you’re trying to decide between two packs, here’s a good rule of thumb: Try on both packs with the same weight inside. Even with the same weight, one of the packs may feel lighter. Choose that one.
When you’re trying to decide between two packs, here’s a good rule of thumb: Try on both packs with the same weight…
Must be the per page price. Binding optional.
In Buffalo, baseball plays you.
As Norm can attest, there were exactly zero Washington Husky fans who thought Jake should have gone in the first round. Great guy, put the program on his back after the Ty Willingham disaster, but not first-round material.
Agreed. Hasn’t been enough since ‘81. No reason to think that will change.
Had similar experience at Audi dealer.
Uh, hello? You forgot the Wright sock? It’s the best, hands down. https://www.wrightsock.com/
Uh, hello? You forgot the Wright sock? It’s the best, hands down. https://www.wrightsock.com/
So, historians, what is the earliest conspiracy theory? I’m sure there’s something earlier, but I’ll kick this off with “Shakespeare didn’t write his plays”, circa 1850 thanks to Delia Bacon.
The Juke is a terrible highway cruiser because of the noise. Maybe it was the tires on my rental Juke, but if I hadn’t packed my NC headphones I wouldn’t have survived the trip.