
Wait...the RNC is coming out against coal sludge in rivers? Hahaha. Hahahahaha, bwahaHAHAHA!

Whereas the Super Duty of the same era looked pretty awesome.

Phrases I have read in the past week (not from Kinja sites, admittedly): “It doesn’t phase me.” “For all intensive purposes....” “He should of....”

Or reverse: See how long you can run at an elite marathoner’s pace. I can do it for about 1/5 of a mile. They can run that pace for a distance 131 times as long. Ugggh.

According to today’s WSJ, the car was doing 40 mph in a 35 mph zone. Can any Tempe jalops confirm what the speed limit is on that street?

Nope. We had a 1966 Comet Cyclone GT as a daily driver growing up. A helluva fun car.

Nope. We had a ‘66 Comet Cyclone GT as a daily driver growing up. A helluva fun car.

But his arm strength!!!

You put your finger on it: The politicians (paid by the gun mfrs lobby) won’t do shit. So the only recourse folks like me and you have is to take these other indirect steps. (Hell, I like Giro.) Unlike some other commenters here, I think these steps can make a difference. A conglomerate that suddenly has one of its

We used to call that “rabbit and a tail” where I grew up. Always seemed like a divine gift: get to go fast and somebody else will get the ticket.

Even Lincoln and Acura finally dumped their crappy grilles. C’mon, Lexus, you can do it!

Right? Just say it the way Janis sang it.

Yeah, I thought about that after I wrote this. I think you’re right. And if it’s a museum, I’d argue that it’s okay to discuss their steroid use.

Yes! Excellently well-put. And you can’t tell the story of baseball without telling the story of the guy who they named the DH award after.

And they named the frickin’ award for his role after him!

Just looked up the Australian water curtain stop sign. Pretty smart.

I am fucking pissed off. Would it be so nuts to require the OEMs to stop building new cars until they replace all the airbags? My Audi recently had its first replacement round: Where they replace your defective airbag with a less defective airbag, which will in turn be replaced sometime in the next few years or so.

The Raiders forgot the first step: Hire Tony Dungy to coach up the team, then bring in Gruden to take Dungy’s team to the Super Bowl. Makes all the difference.