Yes. Irony of ironies that Mr. “Original intent, every-word-has-meaning” Scalia was the one who wrote the opinion disregarding the bulk of the Amendment.
Yes. Irony of ironies that Mr. “Original intent, every-word-has-meaning” Scalia was the one who wrote the opinion disregarding the bulk of the Amendment.
Seattle has been devastated economically since the Sonics left.
My brother finally got rid of his Integra last year. He could have long ago afforded another car but he loved that Integra.
Right after we’d be winning so much, we’d be sick of winning.
There were many, loud voices against the dumb falcon doors. Like, if it’s an SUV where do I put my roof rack? How do I park it in my older house’s garage that doesn’t have a 10 foot ceiling? This was a pure management ego project by Musk.
Calkins is relatively new to the Seattle Times, and from the beginning he has tried to make his name as a hot-take artist.
It did happen once: BMW dealer called to say they had wrong interest rate on the contract for the CPO car: Should have been 0% instead of 0.7%. Funny, that day pigs flew across the blue moon, and there were reports of glaciers growing inside volcanoes. But I heard about all of that later, when I was still in the…
Don’t hold your breath (speaking from experience).
Well, that escalated quickly. I did vote, though.
“Hey—them’s fighting words!”
Lincoln, Grant, TR, Eisenhower—they’re all RINOs to today’s GOP.
Come up to Seattle sometime where you can meet their cousins. I don’t know what’s more aggravating: Doing 50 in the left lane on the freeway (at least you can drive around them) or driving 10 mph under a surface road’s speed limit. I’d rather be stuck behind a bicycle than a Prius doing its hypermiling thing.
Remember Game 3 in the playoffs with the Ms that year? Bob Wolcott walked the first 3 batters—12 balls out of 13 pitches—and here’s Belle next up. We all thought the Ms were doomed. Belle was terrifying that year. Lou comes out, talks to Wolcott about his summer vacation plans. Calmed Wolcott down, who managed to…
And one hell of a pilot.
‘Cause of the stares?
“Hold my beer.”
Peter Drucker described “management ego” projects almost 60 years ago. They are, “The ‘also rans’—typically the high hopes of yesterday that, while they did not work out well, nevertheless did not become outright failures. These are always minus contributors, and practically never become successes no matter how much…
Off with your head!