
What we hold against him is saying he deserves all the creid t himself and that no one helped him financially. Except for all his fellow Californians who supported him at Cal through their taxes. And at his public secondary schools. So now, because he did it all “himself”, presumably in his mind he owes nothing to

“Fuck my senior discount, and fuck all y’all.”


I think we must have had the same Drivers Ed teacher. I learned “STOP” is an abbreviation for “Spin Tires On Pavement”.

We had one of these growing up, with the manual tranny. It was a blast to drive, and handled very well in corners. Shame to hear it could have been even better.


Umm, that’s pretty much the main reason any adult learns a foreign language if they’re not moving to said foreign nation.

“Why buy a new Suburban when you can buy a modified 9-seat Sequoia for less?”

And it’s lovely big sister....

With the “S” badging, of course.

I posted before I saw your comment, which made my point but better.

He’s absolutely fucking right. Basketball is all about movement, dribbling, and driving. This whole “shooting” thing is crap and is destroying the game of basketball.

As a Seahawks fan, I’m happy to have us wipe the floor with scrub competition as anyone. But the prospect of watching Blaine Gabbert for 2 games is depressing. Kaep is at least hella entertaining, good or bad.

Isn’t the dolly wheel axle supposed to be down when it’s carrying a load?

Not before 1985. After then, not so good.

The 80s, yes!—the last era of (mostly) non-fatal STDs.

Re: THOR: Does this mean cars will have even worse visibility than today's? I hope not.

When Horn testified to that before Congress, my first thought was, “Is that the best your PR department can do? Sorry, Google already tried that line.”

Friend in high school had one. We drove on hills-swore we were going off the side of the road but the Giulia always tracked with hardly any lean. A great car.