In which case you file a claim under your UIM insurance. And did it take 9 months because your insurance company was lazy, or because they zealously pursued the deadbeat for months after those of faint heart would have given up?
In which case you file a claim under your UIM insurance. And did it take 9 months because your insurance company was lazy, or because they zealously pursued the deadbeat for months after those of faint heart would have given up?
There’s a difference between a “not at fault” accident (I.e., can’t tell who’s responsible), and “the other driver caused it” accident. Although it sucks to be in NJ; y’all do have really high rates.
If she’s at fault, then there will probably be no deductible, as your insurance company will try to get it from her insurance company. That’s why they call
“Like I said, you need a fall guy”
In jail, but perhaps only after someone else is injured or killed. Knowing that the person who shot you is going to jail is not much comfort.
Guns don’t scare me. People with guns who want to do dumb things scare me.
Really? How many people need to be killed to qualify as a massacre in your book?
In the still showing the reverse lights, check the position of the bumper guards. Those seem to match up more with the Escort than the Chevette.
If that’s black rubber above the bumper, the license plate light wouldn't reflect from it as much as it seems to in the photo. First car I thought of was Escort hatch.
+1 your description of the economics and +1 your summary of NBA labor agreements.
Grew up watching him with the Raiders. Entertaining as hell to watch. As one of the leading QBs of the 1970s, it’s a mystery to me why he’s not in the HOF.
Well, for starters the average high temperature in Qatar this week is...109 degrees Fahrenheit. In the shade.
Thank god we picked Dustin Ackley ahead of Trout in the draft.
A sting operation is when the enforcement entity (here, the NFL) deliberately creates the conditions that would enable the target to engage in wrongdoing. For example, it would be a sting if the NFL had McNally offer to cheat with the balls, and Brady accepted. Here, the NFL learned of a possible planned wrongdoing,…
Believe me, I won’t: The “pre-Nicene Creed fight” Saint Nick clip posted herein was enough for me. I’ll stick with something safe, like binge-drinking Everclear and/or imitating Darwin Award finalists.
Mr. Noir and Hazel, thank you for the most humorous colloquy I’ve read in quite some time. Some good ROFL lines from both of you.
Tyler, I thought one of the supposed advantages of the X-35 over the X-32 (and the Harrier) was a reduction in heat stress on landing surfaces (metal or asphalt) because of the X-35's lift fan. Am I misremembering something?
With Stephen Fry as the villain.
Me, too. I thought, this looks like a Toyota. Shocked to learn that, yes, it was.