
From the Astros’ side, the narrative looks pretty clear-cut here. With the team reeling from a storm that’s ravaged their home city—killing at least eight people, displacing thousands more and making professional baseball in town untenable for the time being—they reached out to their opponent and asked to swap this

This. Apartments do not have ghosts but most houses do.


paying for porn should be a fireable offense

I has to be Spotted Dick, right?

Something from the British Food Depot

I was told (could be complete bunk) that originally Jyn and the others made it back to the fleet and the scene with Vader in the hall was with Rogue One and not random Rebels passing the plans off.

You do know, that most people disagree with you on Star wars? The sequels made billions, and created two successful animated properties. Continue to have your ass hat beliefs, but Rogue One is bad fan fiction compared to TFA.

“The Force Awakens was needed to restart the franchise (you needed to basically retell the same story you did 38 years ago to wipe away the bad taste of talking about taxes for 3 movies), it needed to answer a ton of questions, and it needed it to set up the next 2 movies.”

Jyn was actually one of the least interesting parts of Rogue One. That was not due to Felicity Jones though, and more due to shortcuts in the script.