Come on let Norman Pence have his few minutes of being able to get outside of the house once and awhile. I mean is it really that hard to not kneel and disrespect him and his flag? What’s that Mother? My play time is over? Coming Mother!
Come on let Norman Pence have his few minutes of being able to get outside of the house once and awhile. I mean is it really that hard to not kneel and disrespect him and his flag? What’s that Mother? My play time is over? Coming Mother!
Someone needs to remind him he has a job, swore a oath but hey seems to break it everyday, so maybe do that one first.
Harve that’s not how you do it, you gotta grab them then you can run for President in 2020 and the R’s will vote for you easily.
I miss Bobby Moynihan...anyone?
Meanwhile in Puerto Rico people are still waiting for the power to return. Stay classy my fellow coddled Americans.
(insert Big Gay Al clip) Just super! thanks for asking!
Guess this means he won’t be pouring money into some shitty film to push for a Oscar this year if he needs to defend himself.
The whole white house has been compromised since 12pm on 1-20-2017.
Meh if you’re not killing nazi’s you’re not doing it right.
Kirkman came out to give his speech with the Gap Bands You Dropped a Bomb on Me as the background music.. See I can write a better joke then the whole show...
papa johns is warmed over wall plaster right up there with domino’s. but frankly there’s so many little pizza shops around you gotta be hard up to go with a chain one.
Could tell it was a hit based on their roadshow attendance, wasn’t able to go to the one by me as I needed to be on the otherside of town at the same time but saw pics from it and the line was huge.
I’ll be the one to take the bullet for this example.
Come on Congress get in line and do the NRA’s bidding by passing the silencer/suppressor and armor piercing round bills that “hunters/outdoorsmen” need. Why should the next shooter be discovered so as fast and can take out many many more people even those ingrates in the police forces who need to wear armor to protect…
Butthole family at the end. Sums up the fanbase as he did alot while waiting for the next(this) season while shoving it into your face by saying so now what will you do while you wait for the next season? Will you spend the next 2 years, guess, going I’m a pickle!
My rotation for the weekend is Hob-Metal Gear Solid 5-Overwatch, rinse repeat.
Big Boss is back.
How’d the line go when Summer and Morty got to Jerry’s rental? Something like I see you’ve done some cleaning so its not crackhouse but now cocaine looking.
Raise your hand if you checked the twitter account they used in the episode. At the time I decided to check it it had 180 followers and haven’t gone back to check.