Rex Wolfe

OMG they killed H.R again, you bastards!

Shhhh logic doesn't apply to the Flash.

With only one choice to save the merging worlds, Barry Bishop sacrifices himself and goes into the machine and disappears once the rift is closed. Oh sorry thought I was watching Fringe there at the end of the episode.

hmm guess it's time for a rewatch since I don't remember that, must have been while she was escaping the blackhole facility near the beginning.

Awww dam guess I'll have to get prime video for a month again to plow through it.

Anyone else have the thought Mike hid some of his money in that slab?

Gurren Lagan is a shit show that I wish I had the 27 weeks back of wasted time from.

Savitar is really Aku then? I just don't care about tormenting you anymore Barry, do what you want I win anyways…

Can't die if you don't exist.

This episode was like Ralphie waiting for his Lil Orphan Annie decoder ring only to finally get it and discover the code was just a commercial. In otherwords a big fat letdown with a cheesy climatic battle wrapping it up by going back in time to kill Aku. But wait if you kill Aku in the past future self wouldn't

Oh it's obvious by now he's William, Ollies kid, from the future who somehow got sucked back when Barry screwed up agaiin.

Jamocha Shake

How many seasons of flashbacks will we get for this show?

because they'll be reboot him again by that point.

Pretty much. had tubes running up his legs/arms/chest if i recall the original look w/o looking it up.

Well they do like their johnsons over there.

It doesn't matter.

Couldn't torch him it'd smell like bacon for a week.

Hey billy here's a tip if it was hate that killed him you, rushie, and seanie flathead would have been in the ground awhile now.
Now here have a potato and decide what you'll do for christmas with it.

Did lil Vladie release some funds again for the bots to get paid this month?