Rex Wolfe

Flash, I am your future…Barry: What could he mean who is Savitar!!!

Give em time they'll figure another worse one out.

Or maybe get the help of someone with xray vision to see under the armor Savitar wears? Maybe someone with a S on his or her chest? Nah too easy lets have the fun of seeing Iris die a few more times.

Joe West must have drank from Barrys' stupid cup that morning to release Abra.

Drunk Darkh to Malcolm: You, you know I once dreamed I had my arm cut off also.

Thanks Barry!

Thought we were going with Rip as Crichton stuck on a ship all alone.

Oh he should be sued but take him on Judge Judy since he's a attention whore.

I love when Jack goes all minimalist background art for scenes. Just Jack running on a plain white background and a few lines of trees here and there or him as a white figure on the black background with rain streaks in the opening.

3 episodes of this left and 1 for Legion. Next up Fargo and Better Call Saul, and people thought 2017 was going to be bad…

From the people that brought you DIVX(format not the codec) we're going to revolutionize streaming services!

The Private Ryan mentality of when it was aired, people getting shot to shit during the opening but OH LORD they said a bad word and children could hear it. Write the FCC NOW!!! or OMG A NIPPLE AIRED DURING THE SUPER BOWL HALFTIME SHOW!!! RIOT

she was out beyond the walls with Eren collecting wood since there hadn't been a attack for awhile…

Well to be honest, Gareth and crew were cannibals so pretty much throw morals out in some cases and remove them from a trying to recover/rebuild civilization.

Even Jesus couldn't save this episode.

So Ezra and the Mandos needed to go EVA to attack the gravity well with some well placed blaster and small missile fire instead of just blasting it with their ships? Ohhhhhhhkay…

Wow the reputicans can't do anything with out old vladies help it looks like.

Told them to do a Low Winter Sun spin-off Mid Spring Rain but ohhhh no we'll go ahead and do another zombie show…HA I WAS RIGHT!

Don't blame me I voted for Buster.

Thanks for spoiling Dark Knight, how about a spoiler warning first, sheez….