
Counterpoint: the millions of 10-15 year olds who watch this idiot aren’t getting their cultural cues from the AV Club, or the NY Times, or frankly anywhere you and I are familiar with. Articles like this are there to explain to the rest of us who otherwise wouldn’t know what the hell is going on.

For the Japanese it IS a big deal.

And the third choice, apparently.

Does anyone genuinely believe Taylor Swift is an actual human being, with thoughts and feelings?

FFS. With the exception of the rape, who the fuck cares? Rape, criminal, horrible, throw his ass in jail. However are we really supposed to be upset that he cajoled and traded sex for favors with women who were desperate to get into the industry that is PREDICATED on selling sex?


Or my neighbor, Albert Weinstein, who had it hard enough already.

Isn’t it pretty closed-minded to automatically rule out dating anyone younger than your daughter? Why sabotage your own happiness?!

He’s a screenwriter. That’s all he knows.

Pfft! The Mooch doesn’t pay for JACK-SHIT, man!