
Big caveat here is that a blog like this is going to look weirdly out of date in 5 years when we’re all playing games on streaming services and dont own a damn thing anymore 🙃

“Only in America would a fashion forward African be seen as a pimp.”

Regret to inform you that someone at Disney+ has been surveilling my lockdown dance moves.

Thanks, I appreciate it a lot.

I am already getting this story A LOT

I really appreciate all the very generous answers y’all are sharing this week. Thanks for being part of our community here.

In fairness to Ted Cruz, the girls we refer to as his daughters clearly loathe him.

The only good DC movie since the Nolan trilogy was Shazam! Fight me on that.

The fact this article is needed at all is depressing. Sony get your crap together.

May he rest in peace. And may we move past the idea of boxing as a “sport” someday soon.

Politicians want kids to grow up stupid, so do a lot of parents. Kids growing up stupid will not embarrass their parents or elders by being able to contradict them or point out those parents and elders are out of date. Kids who grow up stupid will knuckle under and repeat the same old patterns. America wants its kids

Civil War works a lot better once you realize it’s Avengers 3 and treat it accordingly.

Probably not, but if you sign into the PlayStation Store on a PC, you should be able to add the PS5 version to your library for when you eventually do decide to get a PS5. (Seemed to work with Bugsnax at least.)

Warface: Breakout, secretly sponsored by Clearasil.

I’m not buying anything running at 30fps anymore

I know this is Kotaku, so lots of people have every console ever and seven PCs lying around, but it bugs me when I hear people talk about “lack of exclusives” for Xbox because the PC version exists. Not everyone plays games on PC. So, if it’s on PC and Xbox, you might as well consider it an “exclusive.” In terms of

Anyone who’d like to claim victory can have it. Let’s just fucking get there.

And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-yiiiiii-iiiii